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los angeles engagement photographers

Trouble Makers | Diana & Stanley

July 23, 2015
pasadena engagement photos

It is one of those sweet moments when your friend finally gets married, and this is one of the cases! My dear friend, Stanley, asked Diana to be his wife and he was one of the first in the group to get hitched which made it a big deal! To add onto that, Stanley and I grew up together since we were in fourth grade and had random adventures as in Boy Scouts. For the most part, we got into trouble and had to figure out how to get ourselves out of those situations. For the most part, we do not get away with whatever we did and faced quite a bit of consequences together. Continue Reading…

Go Anteaters | Diana & Rudy

July 8, 2015
descanso garden engagement photography

There comes a time when we all enter a new chapter in our lives, whether by ourselves or as a collective group of childhood friends. In this case, I can safely say that my friends and I have entered the wedding chapter. There are more friends posting about their engagement and wedding photos than usual, which means more parties to attend and wedding cakes to sample! For our next photo shoot, my dear friend from Boy Scouts was the next in line to get married and I had the honor of recording their special memories starting with this engagement photo session. Continue Reading…

Lights | Katie & Pete

July 22, 2013

Welcome back Katie & Pete into the mix! To keep everyone up to pace, Katie and Pete’s first engagement photography session took place in Downtown Los Angeles in their Rugby outfits and their lovely wedding took place over at Maya Hotel in Long Beach. To complete their photo collection, Danny and I took Katie and Pete over to LACMA (Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art) for a really…REALLY quick photo session. I think this engagement photography session took us about 10 minutes to wrap up. Enjoy!

LACMA (Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art)
5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

lacma engagement photos

lacma engagement photos

lacma engagement photos

lacma engagement photos

Doug – Contact Me!

p.s. – I told you this engagement photo session was going to be fast. =)

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