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Wedding Photography

On Top of the World | Erika & Greg

March 17, 2016
malibu rocky oaks wedding photography

I am always a sucker for small intimate weddings. Do not get me wrong, huge weddings and festivals are also great too! As for this next wedding adventure, we ventured off on the top of Malibu canyons at Malibu Rocky Oaks Winery and overlooked the entire valley! Talk about a grand view and standing amoungst the clouds for a grand and intimate wedding. Before Erika and Greg tied their knot at beautiful Rocky Oaks Winery, everyone prepped up at Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica. Erika and her ladies shared the morning together with plenty of sweets, chocolates, and a splash of sea breeze that rolled into their suite while they had their makeup done on point while Greg and the boys suited up nicely at Rocky Oaks Winery.

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Spring Fling | Diana & Rudy

March 2, 2016
langham wedding photographer

Spring is coming along nicely here in Los Angeles and what better way than to showcase Diana and Rudy’s wedding that took place at Pasadena Langham and San Gabriel Winery! It was a beautiful morning where the entire wedding party relaxed, got prepped up, and shared hilarious stories over breakfast at Pasadena Langham. With a full wedding schedule ahead of us, everyone quickly suited up, dressed up, and ran around Langham’s gardens for some wedding photos before we all caravan to our next location to get these two love birds married. During our photo session at Langham, the in between moments is what makes being a wedding photographer so rewarding. The bits of emotions poured out during each photo and Rudy being a total comedian throughout the photo shoot were priceless.

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Trojan Territory | Ann & Jonathan

February 25, 2016

Good afternoon everyone!

First and foremost before I post this next wedding adventure, I apologize to all my fellow Bruins that I partied hard with the Trojans at their wedding at USC! I had to admit, they really know how to throw down a wedding.

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Locked and Loaded | Sharon & John

February 5, 2016
rancho los lomas wedding photography

It has definitely been a while since my last wedding blog entry and it is good to pick up where I left off, even if I am about 2 1/2 years worth of wedding and engagement photography events behind! The past few years has taken off quite nicely with all the photo shoots and plenty of happy memories. With all these amazing wedding and engagements that we have photographed in the past, it is great to finally share their stories with you. Bear with me for a while, there will be a lot of updating coming soon. With a clear calendar today and fresh coffee brewing, let us rock n’ roll starting with Sharon and John’s wedding hosted at Rancho Las Lomas in Orange County!

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What a Colorful Life | Tiffany & Mike

August 10, 2015
trash the dress wedding photography

It was about a year ago when I had the opportunity to photograph these two love birds and capture their amazing personalities on camera! Even though I am posting their day-after photography session before their wedding, I think this works just fine. To start off, Tiff and Mike are definitely a rare pair with a heart for adventure, daring personalities, and a taste for always trying something new.

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